Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Finally, some rolling shots of the car with the new wheels (not so new anymore). Thanks to my cousin Katta for snapping these pictures while we were "going, going...back, back...to Cali, Cali," from Reno.

Check out her photo skills Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/retrobot/

Sunday, April 12, 2009

SYTFU 4th Annual BBQ - 4.11.09

Took a bunch of pictures this past weekend at SYTFU's 4th Annual Charity BBQ held at the Alameda Naval Base.

This was my first time going to one of their events and I was impressed with the number of cars that showed up. They delayed this same BBQ the month before, and didn't think it was going down anytime soon. I found out about the new date two days before. Just enough time to wash and wax.

I was lucky enough to get a spot to park at the Memoryfab booth inside the (dusty) hanger. Once we got all set up, it was picture time.

Photo Set: http://www.digifresh.net/carshows/SYTFU_BBQ_2009.html